Premium Soap Flower Bouquet


Treat yourself or someone special to a unique gift with this beautifully presented soap flower bouquet.

Add a few petals to your warm bath then relax and watch the petals dissolve into the hot water along with your worries and stresses.

Colourful water and an exquisite scent that will leave your skin feeling soft, silky and wonderfully fresh.

Bouquets are artistically arranged and beautifully presented in a gift bag. Available in five different colours, each bouquet contains 6 roses, 2 carnations , 2 sunflowers , 1 hyacinth bean.

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Treat yourself or someone special to a unique gift with this beautifully presented soap flower bouquet.

Add a few petals to your warm bath then relax and watch the petals dissolve into the hot water along with your worries and stresses.

Colourful water and an exquisite scent that will leave your skin feeling soft, silky and wonderfully fresh.

Bouquets are artistically arranged and beautifully presented in a gift bag. Available in five different colours, each bouquet contains 6 roses, 2 carnations , 2 sunflowers , 1 hyacinth bean.

Treat yourself or someone special to a unique gift with this beautifully presented soap flower bouquet.

Add a few petals to your warm bath then relax and watch the petals dissolve into the hot water along with your worries and stresses.

Colourful water and an exquisite scent that will leave your skin feeling soft, silky and wonderfully fresh.

Bouquets are artistically arranged and beautifully presented in a gift bag. Available in five different colours, each bouquet contains 6 roses, 2 carnations , 2 sunflowers , 1 hyacinth bean.