Soap Flower Bouquet


These red rose and carnation soap flowers are an excellent treat for anyone who likes to sit back and relax in a soothing bath. Just add some petals to your warm bath and relax as you watch them dissolve into the water.

It will leave your skin soft, silky, and smelling wonderfully fresh.

Artistically arranged and beautifully presented in a gift bag, these are sure to delight any lucky recipient.

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These red rose and carnation soap flowers are an excellent treat for anyone who likes to sit back and relax in a soothing bath. Just add some petals to your warm bath and relax as you watch them dissolve into the water.

It will leave your skin soft, silky, and smelling wonderfully fresh.

Artistically arranged and beautifully presented in a gift bag, these are sure to delight any lucky recipient.

These red rose and carnation soap flowers are an excellent treat for anyone who likes to sit back and relax in a soothing bath. Just add some petals to your warm bath and relax as you watch them dissolve into the water.

It will leave your skin soft, silky, and smelling wonderfully fresh.

Artistically arranged and beautifully presented in a gift bag, these are sure to delight any lucky recipient.